Ignorance rules the world. The extremist ignorami, the voidist, takes charge of the ignorami unwittingly, to produce a sense of calm. To deal with the collective ignorami, you must yourself understand the remainder of the equation. This remainder is for a purpose, a means to balance the equation. Matrix Revisited, why we search the source of all movies via the “original”. The source of all science fiction.
What if the source is as transparent as its product?
The very idea of fear that sets in when something new is there to replace the old, all things that have a beginning must have an end. It is almost dogma that prevents any form of healthy debate to the very origins of the beginning itself. For the quest is now obvious to many. The quest for immortality:
The Methusalah prize, an X prize of sorts to reward the efforts of some to allow humans to live forever. Why is the thought of immortality so ridiculous? Why is the idea of a billion year old personality so unbelievable? Is it because it would start to mitigate holes in the tapestry of the one they call god? The all-seeing force that controls the universe some believe, or the one who is the universe and beyond, the creator, the original one. The one that continues to elude our search.
What happens to the searcher when the truth moves at the same rate and is separated by rationality?
We search for more rationality to distance ourselves from the god we search.
If the truth of our existence is as easily explained as the truths of human procreation then no one is willing to accept it in full. We would rather preserve the machines of truth finding that destroy them when it is found. As yet the only valid argument to sparing the machines is that who can verify the truth itself.
Science seems the only candidate. The religions of this world attest to their own nominations. Yet there is no element of self in all of this. The very source of all that exists, all that does not.
To find the truth, one must examine self to discover your non-existence and realise that you really do not exist.