21000 Wyndham Credit card numbers stolen

The break-in occurred at a property belonging to a Wyndham franchisee, but that computer was linked to other company systems. That intrusion enabled a hacker to use the company server to search for customer information located at other franchised and managed property sites.

The hackers were able to get guest names, credit card numbers and expiration dates as well as data from the card’s magnetic stripe.  That magnetic stripe information, sometimes called a card verification value (CVV) code, is critical if the thieves want to make fake credit cards.

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Source: www.networkworld.com

Govtrip.com hacked!

A prominent US Government travel website used by federal agencies has been hacked. The site which is operated by defence contractor Northrop Grumman Corp, was breached and changes made so that unsuspecting users would be redirected to a rogue URL where malicious software was thrust upon their systems.

GovTrip is used by several U.S. government agencies, including the EPA and the departments of Energy, Health and Human Services, the Interior, Transportation, and the Treasury, to make travel reservations, as well as to reimburse workers for travel expenses.

You would have to ask why federal agencies would need to expose a travel website to the WWW when they have their own intranets.

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Source: www.computerworld.com

Government jobs site hacked

jobs.nsw.gov.au was forced to be shut down after it was found hackers had targeted the site.  The department was alerted by job seekers who began receiving unsolicited emails purporting to be from the site, alerting them to hoax job vacancies. Fears were raised about the personal details of job seekers having being compromised and the Government commissioned Ernst & Young to investigate how the security breach occurred.

This is yet another reason for the focus on application security.

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Source: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,,25003695-1242,00.html