Ignorami and the truth about nothing

Ignorance rules the world.  The extremist ignorami, the voidist, takes charge of the ignorami unwittingly, to produce a sense of calm. To deal with the collective ignorami, you must yourself understand the remainder of the equation. This remainder is for a purpose, a means to balance the equation. Matrix Revisited, why we search the source of all movies via the “original”. The source of all science fiction.

What if the source is as transparent as its product?

The very idea of fear that sets in when something new is there to replace the old, all things that have a beginning must have an end. It is almost dogma that prevents any form of healthy debate to the very origins of the beginning itself. For the quest is now obvious to many. The quest for immortality:

The Methusalah prize, an X prize of sorts to reward the efforts of some to allow humans to live forever. Why is the thought of immortality so ridiculous? Why is the idea of a billion year old personality so unbelievable? Is it because it would start to mitigate holes in the tapestry of the one they call god? The all-seeing force that controls the universe some believe, or the one who is the universe and beyond, the creator, the original one. The one that continues to elude our search.

What happens to the searcher when the truth moves at the same rate and is separated by rationality?

We search for more rationality to distance ourselves from the god we search.

If the truth of our existence is as easily explained as the truths of human procreation then no one is willing to accept it in full. We would rather preserve the machines of truth finding that destroy them when it is found. As yet the only valid argument to sparing the machines is that who can verify the truth itself.

Science seems the only candidate. The religions of this world attest to their own nominations. Yet there is no element of self in all of this. The very source of all that exists, all that does not.

To find the truth, one must examine self to discover your non-existence and realise that you really do not exist.

Innocence, the superpositional state of nirvana

The knowledge of Good & Evil is indeed a collapse of the superposition state of innocence. A state of rejecting the dichotomy of good and evil, totally avoiding the dimensional traversal, while encompassing both within a single paradigm without divide.

So indeed, within this nirvana, the good and evil meld into nothingness leaving behind only the unobservable action of self. This results in a freedom from the gravity of each side, let alone the recognition of the sides in the first place.

One must note that the superpositional state requires no time axis and hence is timeless. Exit from this dimensional stability results in derivatives (dt) with respect to time of good and evil. So events appear as chronological resulting in the creation of blame, fault & karma.

So it is said, there is no evil as evil is merely an objective scarcity observed of good, only from within nirvana this objectivity is relinquished. To return to this superposition nirvana, one must forgive and accept the good with the evil as one with unconditional love.

Growing soiless wheatgrass with super nutrient solution

If you’re growing your own wheatgrass, you have probably realised by now that it will grow without soil as a medium.

My 9 day old super-healthy wheatgrass growing happily 
in a tray If only my lawn looked this good 😉 

Here’s how I do things. All the bits are available a well stocked hardware store like Bunnings.

Parts Required

– Good quality planter pot drip tray (340mm preferred)

– Quantity of Natural jute matting (hessian) as used for erosion control

– Sharp Scissors

– 1L glass jar with lid

– Square piece of aluminium cyclone wire (fly netting)

– A thick postal rubber-band

– Quantity of wheat (winter wheat berries from the health store) aka Cleaned Wheat.

The Sprouting Jar

The first thing you have to make is a device for sprouting the wheat berries before the “planting”. The method I use is well documented on the net and all I have done is used local materials to achieve a low cost solution. The sprouting jar is basically a normal glass jar with a lid made out of cyclone wire; which is a powder-coated aluminium mesh that is used in screen doors to keep the bugs out. All you do is cut a piece slightly over sized and then use the screw lid of the jar to force it down onto the threads. This will form the threads into the mesh making it easier to keep it on there. Once the lid has done its job it can be put away.

The mesh copy of the lid is now held on using the rubber band.

What a mesh! Held securely with a band.
 The mesh was forged into the threads with the lid as the die.

Nutrient solution

You can make your own wheatgrass nutrient solution at home. You will need the following:

– 500mL small spray bottle (get a good quality one as it will last the test of time)

– A 1 or 1.5L PET bottle for mixing and storing.

– A bottle of fresh clean sea-water (filtered using coffee filter paper)


– Sheets of Nori (Japanese sushi seaweed sheet) or Kelp pieces

– Unprocessed sea-salt, the dark grey or pink stuff (Celtic Sea Salt / Himalayan Sole)

Basically, the ratio is as follows:

For every  1 Litre of nutrient solution, you have:

80mL of filtered fresh seawater (roughly 1/3 cup)

10mL of ormus (2 tsp)

1 tsp of unprocessed sea-salt

1 sheet of Nori (rolled so it can be slipped through the neck of the bottle).

890mL of filtered water (RO, filtered, or relatively fresh rainwater)

Mix up the solution thoroughly to dissolve the salt and ormus and the Nori will start to break down giving the solution a brown tinge. Filter some out and put it into the spray bottle for use during the misting stage of growth. The rest can be fed directly into the tray onto the bottom UNDER the wheatgrass root mass. Keeping the top dry ensures there will be no mold.

One bottle should last one growth cycle of a tray.

Once you have made the nutrient solution, you can start the process as detailed below.

Step 1: Soak the Wheat

The wheat needs to re-hydrate itself. The quality of water you use now is important. I use filtered water with 2 tsp of ormus. This ensures that ormus will be drawn up into the seeds. Fill the jar close to the top and let it sit in a dark cupboard for about 12-18 hours. 24 hours is OK. I have noticed that at the end of the soaking process, a large number of tiny bubbles rising through the water layer…perhaps some of the excess ormus escaping?

Step 2: Sprout the Wheat

After the 18 hour soak process, merely turn the jar upside down over a sink to drain out the excess water. DO NOT wash it at this point as we want to maximise the wheat’s exposure to the ormus. Once its drained, place it at 45 degrees like in a dish-rack or something. I have found a nice way to store it in the dark. I place the jar inside a container or colander with a rounded base. This causes the jar to sit at about 45 degrees while collecting the excess water.

After 2 days of sprouting. Keeping the wheat moist not wet.

Give the seeds a wash and drink every 8 hours for 3 days, or until the root part looks like its about 1cm or longer. The picture above shows when its just about right to start “planting”. I have found that if you let the wheat sprout well into this stage of growth, the overall success and health seems better. It also gives ALL the wheat a chance to sprout. Do not let the wheat dry out at this stage or you’re going to lose the crop.

Step 3: Preparing the bed

You are almost ready to “plant” this wheatgrass. All you do to prepare the medium for this planting is to cut two sheets of jute matting to suit the inner area (circle) of the planter tray.  Cut it oversize slightly as just like pair of cheap pants, it will shrink when wet.

Jute mat trimmed to oversize slightly

Next, you wash the matting thoroughly a few times and then leave it wet (but not dripping wet).

Jute can hold up to 450% of its own weight in water!! 
Thats a great alternative medium to soil/peatmoss! 

Step 4: You make your bed, you sprout in it!

Its time to spread out the sprouted wheat evenly across the bed. Be VERY careful and gentle during this process. You dont want to damage the delicate wheat roots. You should end up with something that looks like this.

Mist the wheat lightly every 3-4 hours using the spray bottle. Keep this tray in the dark cupboard for a few days until you get shoots, 2 inches tall and are looking a light green/yellow.

Tray at 3 days. Its going to suck the 
nutrient water like nobody's business...

Then you can expose them to light by sitting the tray next to sunny window.

Tray at 5 days. I really believe you should 
grow it in ambient sunlight (on a window sill)

Grow for as long as you feel is necessary, feeding the grass each day with the bottled nutrient solution.

You are well on the road to producing your own ocean minerals soilless mold-free ormus wheatgrass.

Organic vs Non-organic?

I bet you’ve heard about organic foods as an alternative to conventional produce that is supposed to be loaded with pesticides, herbicides and other artificial chemicals and worse still the produce itself is grown from genertically engineered seeds/tubers/cuttings. We almost accept the idea at face value that the battle is between the use of dangerous pesticides and not using them. Don’t get me wrong, I am an advocate for organic and better yet bio-dynamic farming. But should it be the only focus and measure of the quality of food we eat?

Lets begin by first understanding what methods are used to improve the viability and hence quality (by marketing standards) of produce:

  1. Genertic Engineering / Interbreeding / Cross-breeding
  2. Use of Pesticides
  3. Chemical treatments post harvest

To qualify something, organic food does not exclude any of the methods above (except Genetic Engineering). Organic farming just uses ‘approved’ chemicals instead, which are derived from natural sources. Conventional farming uses or advocates the use of one of more of the methods.

In all of this is the presumption that healthy looking equals good health for us. Compound all this and you have the state we have currently:

Healthy looking food is equatable to healthy consumers and therefore is paramount to saleability and forms the basis for the majority of research pursuits and end goals.

So you might ask, so whats the problem with all this? Good quality produce = good health for us right? Makes sense right?

Well, to answer that, lets first examine what leads to the use of the methods above in the first place. The top 4 reasons are:

  1. Plant Diseases
  2. Insect attack
  3. Yield (undersize issues)
  4. Viability

So then it is settled that these 4 reasons alone justify the use of the 3 methods.

I hope you have noticed by now that there is little or no real focus on nutrition apart from the basic tenet that good looking produce = healthy for us.

The general method of improving nutrition in produce is for farmers to use fertilisers and soil conditioners. The general focus is on NPK (which is short for the elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. Fertilisers are usually marked by the ratio of NPK (eg 3-1-1). These 3 elements have the following effects/benefits:

  1. Nitrogen is an essential building block of amino and nucleic acids, essential to life on Earth.
  2. Phosphorus is a key element in all known forms of life. Inorganic phosphorus in the form of the phosphate PO43 plays a major role in biological molecules such as DNA and RNA where it forms part of the structural framework of these molecules. Living cells also use phosphate to transport cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Nearly every cellular process that uses energy obtains it in the form of ATP. ATP is also important for phosphorylation, a key regulatory event in cells. Phospholipids are the main structural components of all cellular membranes.
  3. Potassium is an essential component of plant nutrition and is found in most soil types. Potassium content of most plants typically ranges from 1/2 to 2 percent of the harvested weight of crops. Modern high yield agriculture removes potassium from soils at a much faster rate than it can be replenished.

So what about the other elements like Calcium, Magnesium etc? How about trace elements?

It seems, mainstream medicine does little or nothing to acknowledge the importance of trace elements to human health. A little research will show you that the Nervous system contains the following elements and are CRITICAL to optimal operation:

  • Calcium
  • Cadmium
  • Cobalt
  • Chromium
  • Caesium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Rubidium
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Rhodium
  • Iridium
  • Gold

David Hudson, the researcher who re-discovered ORMEs in basalt rock in the Arizona desert, indicates that as much as 5% of the dry matter weight of our nervous system could consist of ORM Elements (in particular: Ormus rhodium and Ormus iridium) based on Ormus extractions he conducted on calf and pig brains.

Signalling pathways in the CNS are the means by which the cells communicate with each other to have overall optimal health. Can you imagine the scenarios when the signalling goes wrong due to a less than optimal functioning nervous system? Studies indeed show that these trace elements ensure that optimal signaling occurs and an imbalance of these elements results in signaling issues which can result in disease or the formation of tumours.

As modern agriculture continues to deplete the soils of these trace elements while only returning the basic NPK elements, we will continue to see the increase in nervous system disorders and hence general signaling related sources of disease. This starts to explain why produce has never looked better but disease is on the rise.

Farmers need to focus on the mineral balance of their soils to ensure that the produce we are getting has these elements in it. The use of sea water agriculture as advocated by Dr Maynard Murray is definitely a viable option for many farmers as sea water contains all of the elements required by us in the concentrations that we seek.

There are numerous examples of the use of sea water minerals in agriculture which results in the following benefits (WITHOUT the use of artificial fertlisers, pesticides or herbicides):

  1. Increased soil micro flora
  2. Increased nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil
  3. Increased resistance to insects and disease and hence reduced need for pesticides
  4. More drought tolerant
  5. More transplant tolerant
  6. Yield increase: Fruit is larger and better tasting
  7. Increase in shelf-life
  8. Mineral and vitamin content increased
  9. Faster crop cycles
  10. More resistant to frost
  11. Less fertiliser required (after soil mineral analysis)

So as simple as it is, a diluted application of sea minerals to watering cycles will result in the return of these trace elements into the soil resulting in optimal health for us.

So next time you have to make the choice between organic or conventional produce, or between organic suppliers, consider first instead the nutritional benefits of the product itself, as it evidently has greater importance. To state an obvious correlation, it is logical that food that is nutritionally superior is a lot less likely to be sprayed with pesticides and/or herbicides as the plant it came from would have been healthier than its counterparts.

So using organic produce as a basic level choice, one must ask the following questions:

  1. What if anything is the grower of this produce doing to address the trace mineral requirements of the produce?
  2. Were sea minerals used in the growing of the produce?
  3. What is the grower doing to ensure that their produce is consistent in its trace mineral content?

Its about time you got some answers to these questions from your growers…


  1. Wikipedia.org (NPK Rating http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NPK_rating)
  2. Trace elements in the human central nervous system studied with neutron activation analysis. [Biological Trace Element Research Volume 13, Number 1, 69-75, DOI: 10.1007/BF02796622] L. O. Plantin, Ulla Lying-Tunell and K. Kristensson
  3. Central Nervous System Nutrient Signaling: The Regulation of Energy Balance and the Future of Dietary Therapies. [Annual Review of Nutrition Vol. 30: 219-235 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.nutr.012809.104723] M.A. Stefater and R.J. Seeley

ORMUS Probiotics

You can now make ormus yogurt in your own home. You will need:

1 x Easiyo yogurt culture pack

Your homemade ormus in aqueous form

1L of magnetised water

Basically add 1-2 tsp of the ormus to the water and place your intent to the water. Then make the yogurt as per normal instructions.

This is the first time Ive used ormus in my yogurt making, I can say that the yogurt firmed up a lot faster than it normally does.

Backdoor action with Kama Sutra virus

Life immitating art. Nothing new. Just like the promise of seeing Britney Spears naked leads to a complete loss of data, the promise of gaining information and knowledge on the highly misunderstood Kama Sutra lures many. The trojan called Troj/Bckdr-RFM loads into the system (of course a windows OS) while the viewer is being distracted by illustrations from ancient texts in a powerpoint presentation. Some things will never change 🙂

Sophos picked up this little doozie labelled as the Troj/Bckdr-RFM. The hacker that sends it can steal personal information and spy on users’ activities or use the machine for nefarious deeds such as sending spam or attacking websites. It basically like most other trojans these days; uses your computer like SETI did, however instead of the promise of the chance of finding a callsign of alien life, you are part of a network of orchestrated attacks against “the man”.

I wonder if one day they will make “being infected by a virus through negligence, that leads to the contribution toward a bot army” a crime.

Enchanted Carpet

Truly magnificent the loop pile exclaims, relegating its place to the underlay of society while assuming sole contributor to the existentiality of the floor. Why then must the carpet pretend to be the down-trodden? Perhaps it alleviates itself over to the underlay to assert its position as the chosen one, while allowing itself to be trodden not by the underlay but the human captor. An act of compassion. An unconditional love.

A captor nonetheless. Captor only a finite time, as the lifespan of a human loop asymptotes  the biodegradation of a plastic fibre carpet. Perhaps the loop pile creates an implicit demonstration of reincarnation, the impervious cycle of any process that began and all the processes that followed. But why so many? It has been that long. Lessons are forgotten if not learnt by you. A single loop pile, that generates the illusion of many. The carpet, for one loop that is unmeasurable to infinity.

Sliding Dimensions

We all work for them. Lets call them “the men”. There is no escaping the thread that binds our wallets to one place.

As a man hears this, he is filled with anger and makes a vow to be as he sees, fit and free. There is a fit and free aspect to all our existence. It appears as a minute dot in front of us. Taking the shape of bent molecules, they hover in the air as though non-completely “obeying” the laws of this world. Half in half out. There is a very rare occurance of ones that are not uniform. A fit of anger that results in him taking control of his very being, his very essence and core. A commonality that he sees but cannot have forever. Perhaps he sees himself as a recluse, afraid of touching the sun. He gains a perspective that allows him to use technology in the process, an alliance with matter that is indiscernable and yet identifiable when questioned. He finally sees his dot. A quantum dot. The machine allows the dot to be controlled indefinitely, forever.

Well as the first bubble breaks, he falls into the predicament of his seat under his soul. This leading to a sense of wonderment of a new world, allows him to identify a new paradigm within his chronological ignorance. Finally he is with the gods. He is welcome to a party of a few that revel in the maintenance of the heaven and the earth. For they live within it.

He sits on his throne, and contemplates the very nature of his past follies as a tranformation into lessons and a fermentation into success. He wonders, what of me inside this world for my brothers lie under me, for they do not see me unless I will them to. They seek, as if hearing a noise in the dark, a call, a measure of oneself. They heed, they seek, as they feel now.

He ponders, is there not a yin to the yang that is down there? He complies with his logic and instantaneously realises he is not alone. A fellow traveller is before him. A mirror of his self unable to contemplate a specific outcome and yet outcomes emerge that appear contemplated chronologically. How then can he sit there while his brothers are at toil to reach him? Why does he not reach out and welcome his brotherhood to his singleton experience? He pauses.

The traveller confirms his ponderance, while seeking his forgiveness. He realises the traveller is realising what he is realising. He stops. He continues when he realises. He finds no hierarchy in this place. Its being governed by almighty that appears familiar. The God cortex. He begins to rationalise his experience. He has to find a way to release himself to the truth before its too late. Too late for what? Is his fear of returning to the abode he once admired and found no reason to leave it. He presses on to his quest for the truth, asking the other travellers that are no longer appearing to look like travellers for the answers. They shrug him off. They appear bound by their fear of losing their nirvana. He curses them. A dot appears. He realises his time is up.

He wakes up in his bed  he sees that his life is not what he remembered. Everything appears now as though it has had its own progress & volition and is doing fine. He feels no need to change anything as he realises that the moment he tries to change his life, the balance is lost for the worse in the long run. He looks up the sky as if to objectise the location of the space he visited. Indeed he has no idea where it was or even what it was. He is left with a message that happiness is to be had, and not to be discovered. The quantum dot is shared to all that wish to explore the heavenly plane with a precept that they are to return as they cant stay there. Forever a traveller.

The Enormity of the ORME


An ORME is an acronym that was coined by David Hudson and stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element. The prural form is ORMES and is often referred to as ormus. So what does David mean by the term Orbitally Re-arranged? According to him, when an element is made to be on its own, it ceases to form bonds with neighbouring atoms and the electrons with each atom form Cooper pairs. These are high spin pairs. The nucleus is also coaxed into a high spin state, causing an elongation of the atom itself.

There is a theory that this monatomic high spin state is a metaphysical form of the element. Transition Group and Noble Group ORMEs occur naturally.

Purification appears to be a complex process.

Its a Matter of State

When I was in school I was taught, matter had 3 states, namely:

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas

Then as I grew up I was told there is a 4th state, called a Plasma. Plasma it seems is the state of an element when the addition of heat or other energy causes a significant number of atoms to release some or all of their electrons. The remaining parts of those atoms are left with a positive charge, and the detached negative electrons are free to move about. Those atoms and the resulting electrically charged gas are said to be “ionised.”

What happens when we re-examine ORME as a state of matter?

An ORME is where the atoms DON’T release ANY electrons, has NO charge and appears to be electrically inert.

Could then perhaps, the ORME state be at a mirror opposite end to the list of states of matter?

Ideal States of Matter aka Prima Materia

Perhaps a state that is not all “here”. A true metaphysical state. What then does it imply?

David Hudson has done some amazing research (paid for by himself), and discovered some curious properties about ORMEs. According to his research, when ORME gold is annealed at high temperatures, the sample measurably reduces its weight by 44%. When it is cooled back down, the weight ‘returns’. In fact when it is cooled further, it gains weight!

“This material is so sensitive to magnetic fields that when it goes to the white powder form and loses 4/9ths of its weight, what it is doing is flowing light within it, in response to the earth’s magnetic field. There is so much current flowing in it that it levitates 4/9ths of its weight on the earth’s magnetic field. Your hand has sufficient amperage that if passed under this tube, The material floats, it is that sensitive to magnetic fields.

All of these elements do this, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, rhodium, palladium, platinum, gold, silver, copper, cobalt and nickel. In 1988, we filed US and worldwide patents on this form of matter. At that time, I was working with General Electric on fuel cells. I was told if I was the first to understand it, the first to make it, then I could be the first to patent it.”

– Part of transcript of David Hudson’s presentation.

Platinum group metals appear so bright and shiny in metallic form or solid form and no wonder its been so difficult to identify those elements in their orme state.

When gold is made monatomic, it appears as a very fine white powder. It no longer appears to have its “metallic” properties. It has reached an ideal state of solid.

The Bose Condensate.

A gas when super cooled (close to 0Kelvin or approximately -273°C) can be brought into a state called the Bose Condensate. Perhaps ORMEs the “room temperature” equivalent.

Supercooling results in a Bose Condensate, whereas Cooper pairing or monatomic high spin results in an ORME:

So its true after all, that the way physical reality “appears” is just an illusion, merely characteristics that we have become accustomed to. For the deeper reality of existence is to be found in other dimensions and is perceived as states.

Mindshell Proposition Theory

Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Borrowing from Wittgenstein’s way of introducing propositions, I propose a method by which communicated/emanated ideas become cellular memory.

It is possible to emulate the self-adornment of these propositions by studying the traits and behavioural artifacts of the ‘native’ memes.

It is quite evident that there are primary, secondary and tertiary elemental propositions.

This theory was formulated through introspective observation of my relationship with broadcast media and its effects on me, although reinforced in full by its effects on others around me.

Primary Propositions

  • Origin of life
  • Trust based on intuitive processes
  • Existence of extraterrestrial god
  • Configuration of body phisiology

Secondary Propositions

  • Group or social relationships
  • Close knit dynamics and rules of engagement
  • Incest/Monogamy/Polygamy
  • Submission of guilt
  • Traversal of guilt and other non-desirable feelings and behaviours

Tertiary Propositions

  • Encountered ideas via active/passive communication methods
  • Ideas do not immediately / apparently persecute Primary propositions

The Preface

When an active persecution of the primary elemental propositions is detected, secondary and/or tertiary elemental propositions play very important roles in re-upholstering the primary elemental proposition(s). In fact, it can be hypothesised that the secondary and tertiary elemental propositions exist to continuously validate and eventually protect the primary propositions.

It is entirely possible to cause primary elemental propositional examination by passive persecution. Eg, the use of imagery (art/music/sound/visual cues) in the form of pulsed light and sound harmonics.

We need to establish average time scales for each of the elemental propositions in terms of their ability to be paradigm shifted.

Ideas ideas everywhere, not a thought to think

The proliferation of mass media has inevitably resulted in the equal expotential growth in ideological memes. These memes truncated or otherwise generally are treated as tertiary propositions by the mind.

The nature of these propositions cause no immediate threat to secondary or primary propositions at an anatomical level purely because they have not yet been decoded in a cellular fashion.

Generally speaking, tertiary propositions can be considered benign at face value. However ALL tertiary propositions have the ability to shift in or shift out base level primary propositions if even of them are aggregated.

The Aggregation of Propositions

Over time, as more and more tertiary propositions aggregate based on our mind’s ability to pattern match, the “pattern matching” hippocampal neural networks form to validate and solidify the old addage “neurons that fire together, wire together”.

At this point, the aggregated tertiary propostions have formed a secondary proposition logic network in the brain.

The apparent realisation when this happens is one recognising that one’s behaviour has changed in a manner that one would not have expected or considered in the past.

Some consider it epiphany. It is interesting to note that the original meaning behind that word is the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.

Once a secondary proposition is formed, its direct connection to the tertiary propositions becomes apparent but no longer questioned directly even if one or more of the constituent tertiary propositions are dispelled/discarded.

The Assimilation of Ideas to Cellular Memory

Effectively the journey from secondary to primary is no longer a function of aggregation as it presents too simple a method of avoidance and obscurity for the subconscious.

The method by which a secondary proposition and/or propositions can manifest to a primary level proposition involves a time frame at a neurological and physiological level involving neurotransmitters and peptides that are systematically released through the activation of the hippocampal logic networks.

The continual programming of the extra-cranial cells in the body results in a body-wide acceptance of the secondary proposition(s) resulting in an autonomous response to specific stimuli, leading to an immunological / physiological response to once apparent benign ideas.

"Practise makes prefect" - Gusius (2008)