Enchanted Carpet

Truly magnificent the loop pile exclaims, relegating its place to the underlay of society while assuming sole contributor to the existentiality of the floor. Why then must the carpet pretend to be the down-trodden? Perhaps it alleviates itself over to the underlay to assert its position as the chosen one, while allowing itself to be trodden not by the underlay but the human captor. An act of compassion. An unconditional love.

A captor nonetheless. Captor only a finite time, as the lifespan of a human loop asymptotes  the biodegradation of a plastic fibre carpet. Perhaps the loop pile creates an implicit demonstration of reincarnation, the impervious cycle of any process that began and all the processes that followed. But why so many? It has been that long. Lessons are forgotten if not learnt by you. A single loop pile, that generates the illusion of many. The carpet, for one loop that is unmeasurable to infinity.

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