Secondhand gods

Why the illuminati & illuminions don’t buy secondhand goods.

Guy only buys only the latest and greatest in electronics.
Gina buys second hand goods only.

In one scenario, they both want to upgrade their mobile phones. So they set out to purchase the items.

Guy buys the new model, best rated product in the marketplace. Being the cusp of a new model, Gina looks at the people selling their superseeded models, who wish to upgrade to the new model. She finds superceeded models at 1/2 the price of its initial cost (bargains) and a 1/3 less than the price of the upcoming model.

Guy uses his mobile phone for a 3 month period and Gina uses the phone indefinitely.

At the end of 3 months, Guy sees a new model in another brand and quits his phone for 2/3 its value.

A few thoughts for Gina:

– As an item approaches the end of its warranty period, it starts to span its MTBF very quickly.
Hence, there is a risk that the owner might be stuck with the repair bill if it fails outside of its warranty period.

– A model is almost always superceeded because of the 4 Fs:
– fashion  – The illuminati’s own style is a rhythm to the illuminions. To be out of style is to out of tune.
– fame     – To the illuminati, style without fame is like fire without heat.
– function – The illuminati use self-perfection as the message to the illuminions. To be out-functioned is to
be imperfect and hence the reptilian order is established.
– fortune  – price, as irrevelevant to the illuminati as it might be, is a measure of self worth for the
illuminions. To pay more is (appear) to be more.

– She has a chance to quit her phone in the market and buy another 3 month old phone or hang on to the one she has.

A 4F’er is someone who maintains a high level in each F, who controls:
– 2 3F’ers who in turn control
– 200 2F’ers who in turn mentor
– 2,000,000 1F’ers who serve as involuntary teachers and targets to
– 200,000,000 low or 0F’ers who find it irresistable to gains F’s

Its no co-incidence that 0F’ers earn the least or no amount and the 1-3F’ers owe the most to the hierarchy.

It can be seen that over time, Guy would have maintained his high F’s along with a high income. Gina attempting conservation is seen as a burden on economic prosperity, any form of which when listed in the Terror legislations of world governments is treated as traitorous.

Guy is illuminion. Gina serves the purpose to process the waste of the illuminions. As illuminors go, she still finds value in her Fs she has been brainwashed with.

Without illuminions, the entities within the illuminati cannot have the paradise they seek. So they shower their illuminions with fortune and reward loyalty.

Ignorami and the truth about nothing

Ignorance rules the world.  The extremist ignorami, the voidist, takes charge of the ignorami unwittingly, to produce a sense of calm. To deal with the collective ignorami, you must yourself understand the remainder of the equation. This remainder is for a purpose, a means to balance the equation. Matrix Revisited, why we search the source of all movies via the “original”. The source of all science fiction.

What if the source is as transparent as its product?

The very idea of fear that sets in when something new is there to replace the old, all things that have a beginning must have an end. It is almost dogma that prevents any form of healthy debate to the very origins of the beginning itself. For the quest is now obvious to many. The quest for immortality:

The Methusalah prize, an X prize of sorts to reward the efforts of some to allow humans to live forever. Why is the thought of immortality so ridiculous? Why is the idea of a billion year old personality so unbelievable? Is it because it would start to mitigate holes in the tapestry of the one they call god? The all-seeing force that controls the universe some believe, or the one who is the universe and beyond, the creator, the original one. The one that continues to elude our search.

What happens to the searcher when the truth moves at the same rate and is separated by rationality?

We search for more rationality to distance ourselves from the god we search.

If the truth of our existence is as easily explained as the truths of human procreation then no one is willing to accept it in full. We would rather preserve the machines of truth finding that destroy them when it is found. As yet the only valid argument to sparing the machines is that who can verify the truth itself.

Science seems the only candidate. The religions of this world attest to their own nominations. Yet there is no element of self in all of this. The very source of all that exists, all that does not.

To find the truth, one must examine self to discover your non-existence and realise that you really do not exist.

Mindshell Proposition Theory

Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Borrowing from Wittgenstein’s way of introducing propositions, I propose a method by which communicated/emanated ideas become cellular memory.

It is possible to emulate the self-adornment of these propositions by studying the traits and behavioural artifacts of the ‘native’ memes.

It is quite evident that there are primary, secondary and tertiary elemental propositions.

This theory was formulated through introspective observation of my relationship with broadcast media and its effects on me, although reinforced in full by its effects on others around me.

Primary Propositions

  • Origin of life
  • Trust based on intuitive processes
  • Existence of extraterrestrial god
  • Configuration of body phisiology

Secondary Propositions

  • Group or social relationships
  • Close knit dynamics and rules of engagement
  • Incest/Monogamy/Polygamy
  • Submission of guilt
  • Traversal of guilt and other non-desirable feelings and behaviours

Tertiary Propositions

  • Encountered ideas via active/passive communication methods
  • Ideas do not immediately / apparently persecute Primary propositions

The Preface

When an active persecution of the primary elemental propositions is detected, secondary and/or tertiary elemental propositions play very important roles in re-upholstering the primary elemental proposition(s). In fact, it can be hypothesised that the secondary and tertiary elemental propositions exist to continuously validate and eventually protect the primary propositions.

It is entirely possible to cause primary elemental propositional examination by passive persecution. Eg, the use of imagery (art/music/sound/visual cues) in the form of pulsed light and sound harmonics.

We need to establish average time scales for each of the elemental propositions in terms of their ability to be paradigm shifted.

Ideas ideas everywhere, not a thought to think

The proliferation of mass media has inevitably resulted in the equal expotential growth in ideological memes. These memes truncated or otherwise generally are treated as tertiary propositions by the mind.

The nature of these propositions cause no immediate threat to secondary or primary propositions at an anatomical level purely because they have not yet been decoded in a cellular fashion.

Generally speaking, tertiary propositions can be considered benign at face value. However ALL tertiary propositions have the ability to shift in or shift out base level primary propositions if even of them are aggregated.

The Aggregation of Propositions

Over time, as more and more tertiary propositions aggregate based on our mind’s ability to pattern match, the “pattern matching” hippocampal neural networks form to validate and solidify the old addage “neurons that fire together, wire together”.

At this point, the aggregated tertiary propostions have formed a secondary proposition logic network in the brain.

The apparent realisation when this happens is one recognising that one’s behaviour has changed in a manner that one would not have expected or considered in the past.

Some consider it epiphany. It is interesting to note that the original meaning behind that word is the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.

Once a secondary proposition is formed, its direct connection to the tertiary propositions becomes apparent but no longer questioned directly even if one or more of the constituent tertiary propositions are dispelled/discarded.

The Assimilation of Ideas to Cellular Memory

Effectively the journey from secondary to primary is no longer a function of aggregation as it presents too simple a method of avoidance and obscurity for the subconscious.

The method by which a secondary proposition and/or propositions can manifest to a primary level proposition involves a time frame at a neurological and physiological level involving neurotransmitters and peptides that are systematically released through the activation of the hippocampal logic networks.

The continual programming of the extra-cranial cells in the body results in a body-wide acceptance of the secondary proposition(s) resulting in an autonomous response to specific stimuli, leading to an immunological / physiological response to once apparent benign ideas.

"Practise makes prefect" - Gusius (2008)