Sliding Dimensions

We all work for them. Lets call them “the men”. There is no escaping the thread that binds our wallets to one place.

As a man hears this, he is filled with anger and makes a vow to be as he sees, fit and free. There is a fit and free aspect to all our existence. It appears as a minute dot in front of us. Taking the shape of bent molecules, they hover in the air as though non-completely “obeying” the laws of this world. Half in half out. There is a very rare occurance of ones that are not uniform. A fit of anger that results in him taking control of his very being, his very essence and core. A commonality that he sees but cannot have forever. Perhaps he sees himself as a recluse, afraid of touching the sun. He gains a perspective that allows him to use technology in the process, an alliance with matter that is indiscernable and yet identifiable when questioned. He finally sees his dot. A quantum dot. The machine allows the dot to be controlled indefinitely, forever.

Well as the first bubble breaks, he falls into the predicament of his seat under his soul. This leading to a sense of wonderment of a new world, allows him to identify a new paradigm within his chronological ignorance. Finally he is with the gods. He is welcome to a party of a few that revel in the maintenance of the heaven and the earth. For they live within it.

He sits on his throne, and contemplates the very nature of his past follies as a tranformation into lessons and a fermentation into success. He wonders, what of me inside this world for my brothers lie under me, for they do not see me unless I will them to. They seek, as if hearing a noise in the dark, a call, a measure of oneself. They heed, they seek, as they feel now.

He ponders, is there not a yin to the yang that is down there? He complies with his logic and instantaneously realises he is not alone. A fellow traveller is before him. A mirror of his self unable to contemplate a specific outcome and yet outcomes emerge that appear contemplated chronologically. How then can he sit there while his brothers are at toil to reach him? Why does he not reach out and welcome his brotherhood to his singleton experience? He pauses.

The traveller confirms his ponderance, while seeking his forgiveness. He realises the traveller is realising what he is realising. He stops. He continues when he realises. He finds no hierarchy in this place. Its being governed by almighty that appears familiar. The God cortex. He begins to rationalise his experience. He has to find a way to release himself to the truth before its too late. Too late for what? Is his fear of returning to the abode he once admired and found no reason to leave it. He presses on to his quest for the truth, asking the other travellers that are no longer appearing to look like travellers for the answers. They shrug him off. They appear bound by their fear of losing their nirvana. He curses them. A dot appears. He realises his time is up.

He wakes up in his bed  he sees that his life is not what he remembered. Everything appears now as though it has had its own progress & volition and is doing fine. He feels no need to change anything as he realises that the moment he tries to change his life, the balance is lost for the worse in the long run. He looks up the sky as if to objectise the location of the space he visited. Indeed he has no idea where it was or even what it was. He is left with a message that happiness is to be had, and not to be discovered. The quantum dot is shared to all that wish to explore the heavenly plane with a precept that they are to return as they cant stay there. Forever a traveller.

The Enormity of the ORME


An ORME is an acronym that was coined by David Hudson and stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element. The prural form is ORMES and is often referred to as ormus. So what does David mean by the term Orbitally Re-arranged? According to him, when an element is made to be on its own, it ceases to form bonds with neighbouring atoms and the electrons with each atom form Cooper pairs. These are high spin pairs. The nucleus is also coaxed into a high spin state, causing an elongation of the atom itself.

There is a theory that this monatomic high spin state is a metaphysical form of the element. Transition Group and Noble Group ORMEs occur naturally.

Purification appears to be a complex process.

Its a Matter of State

When I was in school I was taught, matter had 3 states, namely:

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas

Then as I grew up I was told there is a 4th state, called a Plasma. Plasma it seems is the state of an element when the addition of heat or other energy causes a significant number of atoms to release some or all of their electrons. The remaining parts of those atoms are left with a positive charge, and the detached negative electrons are free to move about. Those atoms and the resulting electrically charged gas are said to be “ionised.”

What happens when we re-examine ORME as a state of matter?

An ORME is where the atoms DON’T release ANY electrons, has NO charge and appears to be electrically inert.

Could then perhaps, the ORME state be at a mirror opposite end to the list of states of matter?

Ideal States of Matter aka Prima Materia

Perhaps a state that is not all “here”. A true metaphysical state. What then does it imply?

David Hudson has done some amazing research (paid for by himself), and discovered some curious properties about ORMEs. According to his research, when ORME gold is annealed at high temperatures, the sample measurably reduces its weight by 44%. When it is cooled back down, the weight ‘returns’. In fact when it is cooled further, it gains weight!

“This material is so sensitive to magnetic fields that when it goes to the white powder form and loses 4/9ths of its weight, what it is doing is flowing light within it, in response to the earth’s magnetic field. There is so much current flowing in it that it levitates 4/9ths of its weight on the earth’s magnetic field. Your hand has sufficient amperage that if passed under this tube, The material floats, it is that sensitive to magnetic fields.

All of these elements do this, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, rhodium, palladium, platinum, gold, silver, copper, cobalt and nickel. In 1988, we filed US and worldwide patents on this form of matter. At that time, I was working with General Electric on fuel cells. I was told if I was the first to understand it, the first to make it, then I could be the first to patent it.”

– Part of transcript of David Hudson’s presentation.

Platinum group metals appear so bright and shiny in metallic form or solid form and no wonder its been so difficult to identify those elements in their orme state.

When gold is made monatomic, it appears as a very fine white powder. It no longer appears to have its “metallic” properties. It has reached an ideal state of solid.

The Bose Condensate.

A gas when super cooled (close to 0Kelvin or approximately -273°C) can be brought into a state called the Bose Condensate. Perhaps ORMEs the “room temperature” equivalent.

Supercooling results in a Bose Condensate, whereas Cooper pairing or monatomic high spin results in an ORME:

So its true after all, that the way physical reality “appears” is just an illusion, merely characteristics that we have become accustomed to. For the deeper reality of existence is to be found in other dimensions and is perceived as states.

Mindshell Proposition Theory

Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Borrowing from Wittgenstein’s way of introducing propositions, I propose a method by which communicated/emanated ideas become cellular memory.

It is possible to emulate the self-adornment of these propositions by studying the traits and behavioural artifacts of the ‘native’ memes.

It is quite evident that there are primary, secondary and tertiary elemental propositions.

This theory was formulated through introspective observation of my relationship with broadcast media and its effects on me, although reinforced in full by its effects on others around me.

Primary Propositions

  • Origin of life
  • Trust based on intuitive processes
  • Existence of extraterrestrial god
  • Configuration of body phisiology

Secondary Propositions

  • Group or social relationships
  • Close knit dynamics and rules of engagement
  • Incest/Monogamy/Polygamy
  • Submission of guilt
  • Traversal of guilt and other non-desirable feelings and behaviours

Tertiary Propositions

  • Encountered ideas via active/passive communication methods
  • Ideas do not immediately / apparently persecute Primary propositions

The Preface

When an active persecution of the primary elemental propositions is detected, secondary and/or tertiary elemental propositions play very important roles in re-upholstering the primary elemental proposition(s). In fact, it can be hypothesised that the secondary and tertiary elemental propositions exist to continuously validate and eventually protect the primary propositions.

It is entirely possible to cause primary elemental propositional examination by passive persecution. Eg, the use of imagery (art/music/sound/visual cues) in the form of pulsed light and sound harmonics.

We need to establish average time scales for each of the elemental propositions in terms of their ability to be paradigm shifted.

Ideas ideas everywhere, not a thought to think

The proliferation of mass media has inevitably resulted in the equal expotential growth in ideological memes. These memes truncated or otherwise generally are treated as tertiary propositions by the mind.

The nature of these propositions cause no immediate threat to secondary or primary propositions at an anatomical level purely because they have not yet been decoded in a cellular fashion.

Generally speaking, tertiary propositions can be considered benign at face value. However ALL tertiary propositions have the ability to shift in or shift out base level primary propositions if even of them are aggregated.

The Aggregation of Propositions

Over time, as more and more tertiary propositions aggregate based on our mind’s ability to pattern match, the “pattern matching” hippocampal neural networks form to validate and solidify the old addage “neurons that fire together, wire together”.

At this point, the aggregated tertiary propostions have formed a secondary proposition logic network in the brain.

The apparent realisation when this happens is one recognising that one’s behaviour has changed in a manner that one would not have expected or considered in the past.

Some consider it epiphany. It is interesting to note that the original meaning behind that word is the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.

Once a secondary proposition is formed, its direct connection to the tertiary propositions becomes apparent but no longer questioned directly even if one or more of the constituent tertiary propositions are dispelled/discarded.

The Assimilation of Ideas to Cellular Memory

Effectively the journey from secondary to primary is no longer a function of aggregation as it presents too simple a method of avoidance and obscurity for the subconscious.

The method by which a secondary proposition and/or propositions can manifest to a primary level proposition involves a time frame at a neurological and physiological level involving neurotransmitters and peptides that are systematically released through the activation of the hippocampal logic networks.

The continual programming of the extra-cranial cells in the body results in a body-wide acceptance of the secondary proposition(s) resulting in an autonomous response to specific stimuli, leading to an immunological / physiological response to once apparent benign ideas.

"Practise makes prefect" - Gusius (2008)