ESP32 ADC to measure below 100mV

Just a short post to cover how to measure voltages below 100mV. I recently was trying to use a HP Common Slot PSU to drive a electrolysing unit. Instead of using my own shunt I decided to use Pin 34 IMONITOR to measure the current output.

What i found was that for currents under 5A, I was getting no reading on the ADC. That is because at 11db Attenuation at 12bits, the minimum measurable voltage is 0.1V or 100mV.

Instead of going down the path of using op-amps. I decided to modify my prototype pcb by changing the tradiional voltage divider input into the following.

Datasheets say (from Murata) that the IMONITOR pin puts out 60.15mV/Amp. For the 60.15mV/Amp the swing would be 0 to 3.9V.

So for 10mV of input the ADC would read 1.216V which is well within the linear range of the ADC. At 12bit resolution thats easily doable.

I found with my 750W HP supply, it was 30.15mV/Amp. So for this 62.5A supply, this would mean a swing from 0V to 1.88V.

The ADC would see 1.101V for 10mV of input.

Note that the leftmost resistor can be adjusted to allow a wide range of inputs offset against the 10K/10K/5V divider.

Hope this helps someone out there …


Tron 2010 – Odours and Laps On So You Chong

A bigger dude is chasing a littler dude.

B: Hey man! I aint train to kill yo ass…stop man…wait up!

The littler dude starts to frown, slow down…stops….smiles.

L: I am not running from you because Im scared.
<in a serious condecending manner)
I am only running to protect you from yourself.

B: Big dude goes in for the kill. BAM

Lil dude goes in for the kill as well BANZAI.

Next scene, they are arm in arm walking along with pina coladas.

A slightly large woman decides to visit a friend’s house. She arrives at
the door, presses the bell and waits…

Ding dong

1) The door opens…the large woman looks surprised when she sees
a tiny little woman the sixe of her socks, looking meekishly at the

2) The large woman welcomes herself in, and they sit.

House woman: Would you like some tea?

Large woman taking off her gloves…

Large Woman: Yes….make it a Lapsang Shoeshank.

Scene ends

A car (exhaust) that sounds like a velvety smooth ass
accelerating chord…like in Star Wars when Anakin was in the city
and chasing that other hover car.

Someone gets outs….

scene ends

V-Twin Petrol Electric hybrid

Reasoning: The purpose of this design is to create the opportunity for petrol cycle engines to have the ability to turn on and off based on demand without affecting rideability. This in effect would allow the petrol driven engine to have zero emissions at idle and under stop-go cycles.

Good reasoning is like great seasoning.


– The heads are specially modified to run electronically controlled servos that open and close the valves according to a program

– The Engine block itself is stock and standard in design. The crankshaft has a sensor on it to detect engine timing.

– The fuel injection is electronic and the accelerator is “fly by wire” type.

– The ignition system is coil on plug

– The brake and foot levers have microswitches to detect braking action and the electronics can monitor duration of braking and hence intensity when graphed against deceleration calculated from speed.

– The clutch lever has a microswitch

– There is no starter on this bike. The starter is replaced with a geared electric motor with an electric clutch on its gearbox.

– Fuel injector can handle micro pulsing

– Purely oil cooled engine



1) Power to the bike and the valves are held  open as the electric motor is running bike

2) When bike is placed in gear, and the clutch released, the valvetrain resumes its cycle and the injection resumes and the electric motor is stopped

3)When the accelerator is released, depending on the time allowed, the engine would shift into electric idle mode where the injection stops, the valves go to fully open state and the electric motor maintains idle state.

4) During acceleration, the motor regenerates the kinetic energy into electrical energy to charge the battery.

5) When the battery is full and under long distance cruising under 1500rpm, the electric motor can provide additional drive torque to reduce fuel usage. This mode is electric assisted.


The ebb and flow of yin and yang

Sexual energy is the result of a pushing and pulling that goes on when yin creates back pressure to yang or when yang creates forward pressure to yin.

If yin allows yangs advance, and yang accelerates yins expansion, there will be no sexual energy.

This can be applied to the dynamics of male/female relationships.

Secondhand gods

Why the illuminati & illuminions don’t buy secondhand goods.

Guy only buys only the latest and greatest in electronics.
Gina buys second hand goods only.

In one scenario, they both want to upgrade their mobile phones. So they set out to purchase the items.

Guy buys the new model, best rated product in the marketplace. Being the cusp of a new model, Gina looks at the people selling their superseeded models, who wish to upgrade to the new model. She finds superceeded models at 1/2 the price of its initial cost (bargains) and a 1/3 less than the price of the upcoming model.

Guy uses his mobile phone for a 3 month period and Gina uses the phone indefinitely.

At the end of 3 months, Guy sees a new model in another brand and quits his phone for 2/3 its value.

A few thoughts for Gina:

– As an item approaches the end of its warranty period, it starts to span its MTBF very quickly.
Hence, there is a risk that the owner might be stuck with the repair bill if it fails outside of its warranty period.

– A model is almost always superceeded because of the 4 Fs:
– fashion  – The illuminati’s own style is a rhythm to the illuminions. To be out of style is to out of tune.
– fame     – To the illuminati, style without fame is like fire without heat.
– function – The illuminati use self-perfection as the message to the illuminions. To be out-functioned is to
be imperfect and hence the reptilian order is established.
– fortune  – price, as irrevelevant to the illuminati as it might be, is a measure of self worth for the
illuminions. To pay more is (appear) to be more.

– She has a chance to quit her phone in the market and buy another 3 month old phone or hang on to the one she has.

A 4F’er is someone who maintains a high level in each F, who controls:
– 2 3F’ers who in turn control
– 200 2F’ers who in turn mentor
– 2,000,000 1F’ers who serve as involuntary teachers and targets to
– 200,000,000 low or 0F’ers who find it irresistable to gains F’s

Its no co-incidence that 0F’ers earn the least or no amount and the 1-3F’ers owe the most to the hierarchy.

It can be seen that over time, Guy would have maintained his high F’s along with a high income. Gina attempting conservation is seen as a burden on economic prosperity, any form of which when listed in the Terror legislations of world governments is treated as traitorous.

Guy is illuminion. Gina serves the purpose to process the waste of the illuminions. As illuminors go, she still finds value in her Fs she has been brainwashed with.

Without illuminions, the entities within the illuminati cannot have the paradise they seek. So they shower their illuminions with fortune and reward loyalty.

Ignorami and the truth about nothing

Ignorance rules the world.  The extremist ignorami, the voidist, takes charge of the ignorami unwittingly, to produce a sense of calm. To deal with the collective ignorami, you must yourself understand the remainder of the equation. This remainder is for a purpose, a means to balance the equation. Matrix Revisited, why we search the source of all movies via the “original”. The source of all science fiction.

What if the source is as transparent as its product?

The very idea of fear that sets in when something new is there to replace the old, all things that have a beginning must have an end. It is almost dogma that prevents any form of healthy debate to the very origins of the beginning itself. For the quest is now obvious to many. The quest for immortality:

The Methusalah prize, an X prize of sorts to reward the efforts of some to allow humans to live forever. Why is the thought of immortality so ridiculous? Why is the idea of a billion year old personality so unbelievable? Is it because it would start to mitigate holes in the tapestry of the one they call god? The all-seeing force that controls the universe some believe, or the one who is the universe and beyond, the creator, the original one. The one that continues to elude our search.

What happens to the searcher when the truth moves at the same rate and is separated by rationality?

We search for more rationality to distance ourselves from the god we search.

If the truth of our existence is as easily explained as the truths of human procreation then no one is willing to accept it in full. We would rather preserve the machines of truth finding that destroy them when it is found. As yet the only valid argument to sparing the machines is that who can verify the truth itself.

Science seems the only candidate. The religions of this world attest to their own nominations. Yet there is no element of self in all of this. The very source of all that exists, all that does not.

To find the truth, one must examine self to discover your non-existence and realise that you really do not exist.

Innocence, the superpositional state of nirvana

The knowledge of Good & Evil is indeed a collapse of the superposition state of innocence. A state of rejecting the dichotomy of good and evil, totally avoiding the dimensional traversal, while encompassing both within a single paradigm without divide.

So indeed, within this nirvana, the good and evil meld into nothingness leaving behind only the unobservable action of self. This results in a freedom from the gravity of each side, let alone the recognition of the sides in the first place.

One must note that the superpositional state requires no time axis and hence is timeless. Exit from this dimensional stability results in derivatives (dt) with respect to time of good and evil. So events appear as chronological resulting in the creation of blame, fault & karma.

So it is said, there is no evil as evil is merely an objective scarcity observed of good, only from within nirvana this objectivity is relinquished. To return to this superposition nirvana, one must forgive and accept the good with the evil as one with unconditional love.

Organic vs Non-organic?

I bet you’ve heard about organic foods as an alternative to conventional produce that is supposed to be loaded with pesticides, herbicides and other artificial chemicals and worse still the produce itself is grown from genertically engineered seeds/tubers/cuttings. We almost accept the idea at face value that the battle is between the use of dangerous pesticides and not using them. Don’t get me wrong, I am an advocate for organic and better yet bio-dynamic farming. But should it be the only focus and measure of the quality of food we eat?

Lets begin by first understanding what methods are used to improve the viability and hence quality (by marketing standards) of produce:

  1. Genertic Engineering / Interbreeding / Cross-breeding
  2. Use of Pesticides
  3. Chemical treatments post harvest

To qualify something, organic food does not exclude any of the methods above (except Genetic Engineering). Organic farming just uses ‘approved’ chemicals instead, which are derived from natural sources. Conventional farming uses or advocates the use of one of more of the methods.

In all of this is the presumption that healthy looking equals good health for us. Compound all this and you have the state we have currently:

Healthy looking food is equatable to healthy consumers and therefore is paramount to saleability and forms the basis for the majority of research pursuits and end goals.

So you might ask, so whats the problem with all this? Good quality produce = good health for us right? Makes sense right?

Well, to answer that, lets first examine what leads to the use of the methods above in the first place. The top 4 reasons are:

  1. Plant Diseases
  2. Insect attack
  3. Yield (undersize issues)
  4. Viability

So then it is settled that these 4 reasons alone justify the use of the 3 methods.

I hope you have noticed by now that there is little or no real focus on nutrition apart from the basic tenet that good looking produce = healthy for us.

The general method of improving nutrition in produce is for farmers to use fertilisers and soil conditioners. The general focus is on NPK (which is short for the elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. Fertilisers are usually marked by the ratio of NPK (eg 3-1-1). These 3 elements have the following effects/benefits:

  1. Nitrogen is an essential building block of amino and nucleic acids, essential to life on Earth.
  2. Phosphorus is a key element in all known forms of life. Inorganic phosphorus in the form of the phosphate PO43 plays a major role in biological molecules such as DNA and RNA where it forms part of the structural framework of these molecules. Living cells also use phosphate to transport cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Nearly every cellular process that uses energy obtains it in the form of ATP. ATP is also important for phosphorylation, a key regulatory event in cells. Phospholipids are the main structural components of all cellular membranes.
  3. Potassium is an essential component of plant nutrition and is found in most soil types. Potassium content of most plants typically ranges from 1/2 to 2 percent of the harvested weight of crops. Modern high yield agriculture removes potassium from soils at a much faster rate than it can be replenished.

So what about the other elements like Calcium, Magnesium etc? How about trace elements?

It seems, mainstream medicine does little or nothing to acknowledge the importance of trace elements to human health. A little research will show you that the Nervous system contains the following elements and are CRITICAL to optimal operation:

  • Calcium
  • Cadmium
  • Cobalt
  • Chromium
  • Caesium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Rubidium
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Rhodium
  • Iridium
  • Gold

David Hudson, the researcher who re-discovered ORMEs in basalt rock in the Arizona desert, indicates that as much as 5% of the dry matter weight of our nervous system could consist of ORM Elements (in particular: Ormus rhodium and Ormus iridium) based on Ormus extractions he conducted on calf and pig brains.

Signalling pathways in the CNS are the means by which the cells communicate with each other to have overall optimal health. Can you imagine the scenarios when the signalling goes wrong due to a less than optimal functioning nervous system? Studies indeed show that these trace elements ensure that optimal signaling occurs and an imbalance of these elements results in signaling issues which can result in disease or the formation of tumours.

As modern agriculture continues to deplete the soils of these trace elements while only returning the basic NPK elements, we will continue to see the increase in nervous system disorders and hence general signaling related sources of disease. This starts to explain why produce has never looked better but disease is on the rise.

Farmers need to focus on the mineral balance of their soils to ensure that the produce we are getting has these elements in it. The use of sea water agriculture as advocated by Dr Maynard Murray is definitely a viable option for many farmers as sea water contains all of the elements required by us in the concentrations that we seek.

There are numerous examples of the use of sea water minerals in agriculture which results in the following benefits (WITHOUT the use of artificial fertlisers, pesticides or herbicides):

  1. Increased soil micro flora
  2. Increased nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil
  3. Increased resistance to insects and disease and hence reduced need for pesticides
  4. More drought tolerant
  5. More transplant tolerant
  6. Yield increase: Fruit is larger and better tasting
  7. Increase in shelf-life
  8. Mineral and vitamin content increased
  9. Faster crop cycles
  10. More resistant to frost
  11. Less fertiliser required (after soil mineral analysis)

So as simple as it is, a diluted application of sea minerals to watering cycles will result in the return of these trace elements into the soil resulting in optimal health for us.

So next time you have to make the choice between organic or conventional produce, or between organic suppliers, consider first instead the nutritional benefits of the product itself, as it evidently has greater importance. To state an obvious correlation, it is logical that food that is nutritionally superior is a lot less likely to be sprayed with pesticides and/or herbicides as the plant it came from would have been healthier than its counterparts.

So using organic produce as a basic level choice, one must ask the following questions:

  1. What if anything is the grower of this produce doing to address the trace mineral requirements of the produce?
  2. Were sea minerals used in the growing of the produce?
  3. What is the grower doing to ensure that their produce is consistent in its trace mineral content?

Its about time you got some answers to these questions from your growers…


  1. (NPK Rating
  2. Trace elements in the human central nervous system studied with neutron activation analysis. [Biological Trace Element Research Volume 13, Number 1, 69-75, DOI: 10.1007/BF02796622] L. O. Plantin, Ulla Lying-Tunell and K. Kristensson
  3. Central Nervous System Nutrient Signaling: The Regulation of Energy Balance and the Future of Dietary Therapies. [Annual Review of Nutrition Vol. 30: 219-235 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.nutr.012809.104723] M.A. Stefater and R.J. Seeley

ORMUS Probiotics

You can now make ormus yogurt in your own home. You will need:

1 x Easiyo yogurt culture pack

Your homemade ormus in aqueous form

1L of magnetised water

Basically add 1-2 tsp of the ormus to the water and place your intent to the water. Then make the yogurt as per normal instructions.

This is the first time Ive used ormus in my yogurt making, I can say that the yogurt firmed up a lot faster than it normally does.

Enchanted Carpet

Truly magnificent the loop pile exclaims, relegating its place to the underlay of society while assuming sole contributor to the existentiality of the floor. Why then must the carpet pretend to be the down-trodden? Perhaps it alleviates itself over to the underlay to assert its position as the chosen one, while allowing itself to be trodden not by the underlay but the human captor. An act of compassion. An unconditional love.

A captor nonetheless. Captor only a finite time, as the lifespan of a human loop asymptotes  the biodegradation of a plastic fibre carpet. Perhaps the loop pile creates an implicit demonstration of reincarnation, the impervious cycle of any process that began and all the processes that followed. But why so many? It has been that long. Lessons are forgotten if not learnt by you. A single loop pile, that generates the illusion of many. The carpet, for one loop that is unmeasurable to infinity.