Sliding Dimensions

We all work for them. Lets call them “the men”. There is no escaping the thread that binds our wallets to one place.

As a man hears this, he is filled with anger and makes a vow to be as he sees, fit and free. There is a fit and free aspect to all our existence. It appears as a minute dot in front of us. Taking the shape of bent molecules, they hover in the air as though non-completely “obeying” the laws of this world. Half in half out. There is a very rare occurance of ones that are not uniform. A fit of anger that results in him taking control of his very being, his very essence and core. A commonality that he sees but cannot have forever. Perhaps he sees himself as a recluse, afraid of touching the sun. He gains a perspective that allows him to use technology in the process, an alliance with matter that is indiscernable and yet identifiable when questioned. He finally sees his dot. A quantum dot. The machine allows the dot to be controlled indefinitely, forever.

Well as the first bubble breaks, he falls into the predicament of his seat under his soul. This leading to a sense of wonderment of a new world, allows him to identify a new paradigm within his chronological ignorance. Finally he is with the gods. He is welcome to a party of a few that revel in the maintenance of the heaven and the earth. For they live within it.

He sits on his throne, and contemplates the very nature of his past follies as a tranformation into lessons and a fermentation into success. He wonders, what of me inside this world for my brothers lie under me, for they do not see me unless I will them to. They seek, as if hearing a noise in the dark, a call, a measure of oneself. They heed, they seek, as they feel now.

He ponders, is there not a yin to the yang that is down there? He complies with his logic and instantaneously realises he is not alone. A fellow traveller is before him. A mirror of his self unable to contemplate a specific outcome and yet outcomes emerge that appear contemplated chronologically. How then can he sit there while his brothers are at toil to reach him? Why does he not reach out and welcome his brotherhood to his singleton experience? He pauses.

The traveller confirms his ponderance, while seeking his forgiveness. He realises the traveller is realising what he is realising. He stops. He continues when he realises. He finds no hierarchy in this place. Its being governed by almighty that appears familiar. The God cortex. He begins to rationalise his experience. He has to find a way to release himself to the truth before its too late. Too late for what? Is his fear of returning to the abode he once admired and found no reason to leave it. He presses on to his quest for the truth, asking the other travellers that are no longer appearing to look like travellers for the answers. They shrug him off. They appear bound by their fear of losing their nirvana. He curses them. A dot appears. He realises his time is up.

He wakes up in his bed  he sees that his life is not what he remembered. Everything appears now as though it has had its own progress & volition and is doing fine. He feels no need to change anything as he realises that the moment he tries to change his life, the balance is lost for the worse in the long run. He looks up the sky as if to objectise the location of the space he visited. Indeed he has no idea where it was or even what it was. He is left with a message that happiness is to be had, and not to be discovered. The quantum dot is shared to all that wish to explore the heavenly plane with a precept that they are to return as they cant stay there. Forever a traveller.

The Enormity of the ORME


An ORME is an acronym that was coined by David Hudson and stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element. The prural form is ORMES and is often referred to as ormus. So what does David mean by the term Orbitally Re-arranged? According to him, when an element is made to be on its own, it ceases to form bonds with neighbouring atoms and the electrons with each atom form Cooper pairs. These are high spin pairs. The nucleus is also coaxed into a high spin state, causing an elongation of the atom itself.

There is a theory that this monatomic high spin state is a metaphysical form of the element. Transition Group and Noble Group ORMEs occur naturally.

Purification appears to be a complex process.

Its a Matter of State

When I was in school I was taught, matter had 3 states, namely:

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas

Then as I grew up I was told there is a 4th state, called a Plasma. Plasma it seems is the state of an element when the addition of heat or other energy causes a significant number of atoms to release some or all of their electrons. The remaining parts of those atoms are left with a positive charge, and the detached negative electrons are free to move about. Those atoms and the resulting electrically charged gas are said to be “ionised.”

What happens when we re-examine ORME as a state of matter?

An ORME is where the atoms DON’T release ANY electrons, has NO charge and appears to be electrically inert.

Could then perhaps, the ORME state be at a mirror opposite end to the list of states of matter?

Ideal States of Matter aka Prima Materia

Perhaps a state that is not all “here”. A true metaphysical state. What then does it imply?

David Hudson has done some amazing research (paid for by himself), and discovered some curious properties about ORMEs. According to his research, when ORME gold is annealed at high temperatures, the sample measurably reduces its weight by 44%. When it is cooled back down, the weight ‘returns’. In fact when it is cooled further, it gains weight!

“This material is so sensitive to magnetic fields that when it goes to the white powder form and loses 4/9ths of its weight, what it is doing is flowing light within it, in response to the earth’s magnetic field. There is so much current flowing in it that it levitates 4/9ths of its weight on the earth’s magnetic field. Your hand has sufficient amperage that if passed under this tube, The material floats, it is that sensitive to magnetic fields.

All of these elements do this, ruthenium, osmium, iridium, rhodium, palladium, platinum, gold, silver, copper, cobalt and nickel. In 1988, we filed US and worldwide patents on this form of matter. At that time, I was working with General Electric on fuel cells. I was told if I was the first to understand it, the first to make it, then I could be the first to patent it.”

– Part of transcript of David Hudson’s presentation.

Platinum group metals appear so bright and shiny in metallic form or solid form and no wonder its been so difficult to identify those elements in their orme state.

When gold is made monatomic, it appears as a very fine white powder. It no longer appears to have its “metallic” properties. It has reached an ideal state of solid.

The Bose Condensate.

A gas when super cooled (close to 0Kelvin or approximately -273°C) can be brought into a state called the Bose Condensate. Perhaps ORMEs the “room temperature” equivalent.

Supercooling results in a Bose Condensate, whereas Cooper pairing or monatomic high spin results in an ORME:

So its true after all, that the way physical reality “appears” is just an illusion, merely characteristics that we have become accustomed to. For the deeper reality of existence is to be found in other dimensions and is perceived as states.

Increasing risks to SCADA security

It seems, hackers will be hackers. The advent of single point remote control systems like SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) which are connected to the internet means that obscurity of their existence is only a matter of social engineering or port scanning.

What happens to say a electricity grid that is managed by SCADA? Is it possible to orchestrate weather based resource terrrorism like the recent event in Brazil? Not a few days ago, a blackout across the southern half of Brazil sends 50 million people into darkness and prompts a major police mobilisation amid fears of an opportunistic crime wave.


So a “cyber” hacker sits in a remote location, usually outside of the target country itself, finds some holes in the SCADA’s security, and 50 million people are thrown into a state of confusion and fear about their safety. To contextualise this, more than double the Australian population put together was affected by one SCADA system failing to deliver 17000 megawatts.

In Australia, we are heading towards the SCADA control of our electricity grid. What measures are being taken by law enforcement agencies to ensure that our SCADA systems are safe?

What is the risk posed to ‘weather-fragile’ individuals like the elderly and ill, in a seriously hot period of weather when a hacker decides to mount a DOS/malicious attack on a SCADA system?

Adelaide Hacker Compromised 3000 Machines!

Adelaide Hacker compromised over 3000 machines and infected them with a known computer virus that can phish data like credit cards, banking logon details etc. He also tried to launch the virus globally and to potentially infect 74000 machines. He is facing a jail sentence of 2 to 10 years if convicted.

He is being charged with:

– unauthorised modification of computer data, supply and possession of a computer virus with intent to commit a serious computer offence,
– unlawful possession of a computer system, theft and
– trafficking a controlled substance.

“The arrest has resulted in the acquisition of intelligence which can be utilised to identify further offenders,” said Detective Inspector Jim Jeffrey of SAPOL.

Could this uncover a ring of hackers in Adelaide?

AdeladeNow Story:,22606,25923434-5006301,00.html

Black Hats no longer behind White Hats

Research has shown that Black Hat hackers in many cases are far ahead of their White Hat counterparts. Many of the wares produced by Black Hats are now “dormant” and waiting on your system to be activated when signaled. They are mainly trojans that wait for you use your online banking.   Viruses have quadrupled from over 15,000 in 2007 to almost 60,000 in 2008. F-Secure says there were 59,177 programs called “Trojans,” circulating on the Internet since last year, compared with 15,969 in 2007 (USA Today).

Things to consider to have a fighting chance:

  1. Keep your PC up to date. If running Linux, make sure you keep up with the system updates (especially the critical updates). On a Windows box, ensure that Updates are enabled.
  2. An anti-virus software must be installed. I suggest AVG. Even on a linux machine you should run anti-virus software to prevent the propagation of viruses to Windows based machines.
  3. Install some form of Spyware Removal Tool.
  4. It seems Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is at the top of the list of “most hacked” browser. Firefox and Chrome are far less susceptible to attacks, making them safer browsers. Use them instead.
  5. Secure your wireless network. Try to use WPA2-PSK at the very least with a more secure pseudo-random generated key. A good key generator is found here.
  6. Ensure a firewall of some sort is running. Windows Firewall is the absolute bare minimum.

It seems, after all that, it sometimes comes down to just plain common-sense sometimes. A lot of trojans and viruses make their way into your system when certain executables are run. If you receive a file by email, always check the extension on the file. For example, spears.jpg.vbs is not a picture but a vbscript that could be potentially dangerous.

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Top 70 Hacking Methods

The List

  1. Cross-Site Printing (2007 issue)
  2. CUPS Detection
  3. CSRFing the uTorrent plugin
  4. Clickjacking / Videojacking
  5. Bypassing URL Authentication and Authorization with HTTP Verb Tampering
  6. I used to know what you watched, on YouTube (CSRF + Crossdomain.xml)
  7. Safari Carpet Bomb
  8. Flash clipboard Hijack
  9. Flash Internet Explorer security model bug
  10. Frame Injection Fun
  11. Free MacWorld Platinum Pass? Yes in 2008!
  12. Diminutive Worm, 161 byte Web Worm
  13. SNMP XSS Attack (1)
  14. Res Timing File Enumeration Without JavaScript in IE7.0
  15. Stealing Basic Auth with Persistent XSS
  16. Smuggling SMTP through open HTTP proxies
  17. Collecting Lots of Free ‘Micro-Deposits’
  18. Using your browser URL history to estimate gender
  19. Cross-site File Upload Attacks
  20. Same Origin Bypassing Using Image Dimensions
  21. HTTP Proxies Bypass Firewalls
  22. Join a Religion Via CSRF
  23. Cross-domain leaks of site logins via Authenticated CSS
  24. JavaScript Global Namespace Pollution
  25. GIFAR
  26. HTML/CSS Injections – Primitive Malicious Code
  27. Hacking Intranets Through Web Interfaces
  28. Cookie Path Traversal
  29. Racing to downgrade users to cookie-less authentication
  30. MySQL and SQL Column Truncation Vulnerabilities
  31. Building Subversive File Sharing With Client Side Applications
  32. Firefox XML injection into parse of remote XML
  33. Firefox cross-domain information theft (simple text strings, some CSV)
  34. Firefox 2 and WebKit nightly cross-domain image theft
  35. Browser’s Ghost Busters
  36. Exploiting XSS vulnerabilities on cookies
  37. Breaking Google Gears’ Cross-Origin Communication Model
  38. Flash Parameter Injection
  39. Cross Environment Hopping
  40. Exploiting Logged Out XSS Vulnerabilities
  41. Exploiting CSRF Protected XSS
  42. ActiveX Repurposing, (1, 2)
  43. Tunneling tcp over http over sql-injection
  44. Arbitrary TCP over uploaded pages
  45. Local DoS on CUPS to a remote exploit via specially-crafted webpage (1)
  46. JavaScript Code Flow Manipulation
  47. Common localhost dns misconfiguration can lead to “same site” scripting
  48. Pulling system32 out over blind SQL Injection
  49. Dialog Spoofing – Firefox Basic Authentication
  50. Skype cross-zone scripting vulnerability
  51. Safari pwns Internet Explorer
  52. IE “Print Table of Links” Cross-Zone Scripting Vulnerability
  53. A different Opera
  54. Abusing HTML 5 Structured Client-side Storage
  55. SSID Script Injection
  56. DHCP Script Injection
  57. File Download Injection
  58. Navigation Hijacking (Frame/Tab Injection Attacks)
  59. UPnP Hacking via Flash
  60. Total surveillance made easy with VoIP phone
  61. Social Networks Evil Twin Attacks
  62. Recursive File Include DoS
  63. Multi-pass filters bypass
  64. Session Extending
  65. Code Execution via XSS (1)
  66. Redirector’s hell
  67. Persistent SQL Injection
  68. JSON Hijacking with UTF-7
  69. SQL Smuggling
  70. Abusing PHP Sockets (1, 2)
  71. CSRF on Novell GroupWise WebAccess

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Source: Jeremiah Grossman

21000 Wyndham Credit card numbers stolen

The break-in occurred at a property belonging to a Wyndham franchisee, but that computer was linked to other company systems. That intrusion enabled a hacker to use the company server to search for customer information located at other franchised and managed property sites.

The hackers were able to get guest names, credit card numbers and expiration dates as well as data from the card’s magnetic stripe.  That magnetic stripe information, sometimes called a card verification value (CVV) code, is critical if the thieves want to make fake credit cards.

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Source: hacked!

A prominent US Government travel website used by federal agencies has been hacked. The site which is operated by defence contractor Northrop Grumman Corp, was breached and changes made so that unsuspecting users would be redirected to a rogue URL where malicious software was thrust upon their systems.

GovTrip is used by several U.S. government agencies, including the EPA and the departments of Energy, Health and Human Services, the Interior, Transportation, and the Treasury, to make travel reservations, as well as to reimburse workers for travel expenses.

You would have to ask why federal agencies would need to expose a travel website to the WWW when they have their own intranets.

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Visual Forensic Analysis

Interesting research in the field of Visual Computer Forensic Analysis has been presented at Black Hat 2009 by Greg Conti and Erik Dean from the United States Military Academy

Their research uses a visualisation tool to “view” files in a system being forensically analysed. In this manner, a file that is considered unknowned from its filename can be identified by the way it looks. A MS Word file will look different to say a JPEG file. To do this traditionally would require the analyst to use two viewers.

The researchers  say, “Visualization has the potential to dramatically change the field of computer forensics. Each time we created a new visualization tool there were always surprising insights. Visualizations create windows on data that hasn’t ever been readily visible, much to the dismay of people trying to hide information in the dark corners of a computer.”

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